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Terms & Conditions

These pack walking terms (the "Terms") govern all dog owners (“Owners”) who entrust their dogs with doggy day hikes. By paying for services, having their dogs picked up or dropping their dogs off, Owners are deemed to have agreed to these Terms. Please note that these terms may be subject to occasional updates.

1. Our Services:  We provide dog walking and home stay services for dog owners whereby your dog is walked and/or boarded by us.  We always try to learn about your dog’s likes and dislikes and any special requirements so we can provide the best level of service. It is your responsibility to fully inform us of any special requirements in relation to the care of your dog, including dietary, temperament (including, for example, with children, men, cats, livestock and other dogs), medication and any health issues. We will make a reasonable effort to comply with your stated special requirements but you accept full responsibility for any outcome, including any losses, cost or other expense from your failure to inform us of any special requirement. 

2. Registration: It is your responsibility to maintain your dog’s current registration. If we incur any fines as a result of your dog being unregistered, you will be held responsible and must reimburse us for any costs, losses or other expenses incurred as a result. 

3. Vaccination and health: You agree to inform us of any change in your dog’s circumstances, including health and temperament. You agree to maintain your dog’s vaccination, flea and worm regime and provide us with updated vaccination certificates from time to time upon request.

 4. Homestay Instructions:

 Food – Please provide enough for the full stay in a non-returnable container or bag.

 Please do not bring bedding, toys, leads or bowls.  We provide these.

 Please provide a collar and name tag.

 Make sure vaccinations are up to date and will be up to date for the duration of the stay.

 Details of your usual veterinarian for any emergencies or care. 

 Emergency contact details.


 5. Dangerous dogs: We do not accept any responsibility for any costs, losses, damage or other expense incurred if your dog attacks, bites, or behaves with menace towards any Doggy day hikes walker, any third party or animal while in our care. In extreme circumstances, such loss may include the loss of your dog. Any serious incident may be reported to the appropriate authorities. You agree to fully reimburse us for any costs, losses, damage or other expense incurred as a result of any such incident by your dog, including, but not limited to, medical expenses and property damage. In such a case no refunds will be given.

6. Lost dogs: As the majority of our walking is off-lead we do experience from time to time a dog may run or walk away from the pack, this can happen for a myriad of reasons.  We will make every effort to locate your dog.

7. De-sexing:  Our top priority is the safety of all the dogs in our care.  Because we have dogs in packs, we strive to ensure each individual dog is comfortable and happy.  De-sexing helps ensure a happy and healthy pack. De-sexing your dog brings untold benefits such as improving behavior – preventing roaming, aggression, marking, humping, dominance and biting.  Also de-sexed dogs live longer and healthier lives.

8. Veterinary care:  In the event your dog becomes ill or is injured, we may need to take your dog to a veterinary clinic or animal hospital. If, for any reason, your usual veterinary office is not available or reasonably accessible, we reserve the right to take your dog for treatment to another veterinary office at our discretion. We will make a reasonable attempt to contact you before any services are rendered, but in the event that we are unable to contact you, you provide pre-approval for treatment for your dog up to $500.00. You are responsible for all costs incurred by us in such circumstances and agree to fully reimburse us for all veterinary services. You agree that we are not responsible for the results or outcome of the veterinary treatment.

9. All walks and Homestay’s to be paid in full before pickup.

10. The Owner understands that Doggy day hikes operates an off-lead pack walk environment and accepts the positive benefits and potential risks involved.

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